- FREE 2 BE ME Movie

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Hello, I’m Jeannette Godoy and this is my passion project, “Free 2 Be Me”. My goal is to spread awareness and to change perceptions about people with Down Syndrome. I encourage you to watch it with your family, and share the link with friends.

Before this project, I didn’t know anyone with Down Syndrome. My husband and I were treated to a surprise performance by this troupe before my daughter’s ballet recital. Afterward, I knew I had to tell their story, so I followed the Free 2 Be Me Dancers for an entire season. Read my article for by clicking here . It explains how these dancers touched my heart.

This film celebrates the joy of artistic self expression, and its effect on the whole family. Proceeds go to the non-profit Free 2 be Me Dance program. Thanks for your support, and again, please share this link.