- John Lilburne Research Institute - Archives 1983-1999

Description: Freeborn John Lilburne 1615-57 to Thomas Jefferson - John Lilburne Research Institute is a privately funded think tank dedicated to documenting and publishing the links between the acts of John Lilburne as an unlicensed publisher and promoter of individual freeborn rights, and the genealogical links and views of U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, and the incorporation by U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black into his writings and legal Opinions, of the legal concepts of John Lilburne which have become a pa

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John Lilburne Research Institute (for constitutional studies) [long version], is dedicated to documenting and publishing the facts relating to the life of "Freeborn John Lilburne", not merely as a historical figure who died shortly before the restoration of the British monarchy in 1660, because his ideas and ideals did not die with him. John Lilburne was the original, 'modern-day' champion of freeborn rights that are today considered to be universal human rights.

The John Lilburne Research Institute links the acts of John Lilburne as an unlicensed publisher and promoter of individual freeborn rights, to his shared genealogical family ties to U.S. President Thomas Jefferson, and, more importantly today, to both the writings and legal Opinions of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black.

From 1947 onwards, Hugo Black both incorporated and revealed the existing legal concepts of John Lilburne as a part of U.S. Constitutional Law. Consequently many of the stated American values that human beings admire today, are in fact due to the sacrificial life of Freeborn John Lilburne. Unfortunately those values are often ignored by politicians, while John Lilburne does not receive the praise and admiration to which he is rightfully due as a founding member of civilized society on Planet Earth.

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