- Free Pro-Life Handbook—Sharing the Pro-Life Message

Description: Get your free copy of "Sharing the Pro-Life Message" from the Pro-Life Action League, a handbook that will equip you with the fact, figures and reasoned arguments you need to change hearts and minds on abortion.

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We're sorry — response to the Pro-Life Action League's give-away of 1,000 free copies of Sharing the Pro-Life Message was so great that all 1,000 free copies have been given away.

However, you can purchase a copy of this powerful, 108-page handbook for only $5 from the Pro-Life Action Store . Special pricing is also available for bulk orders .

The 5th edition of Sharing the Pro-Life Message is packed with all the facts, figures and reasoned arguments you need to talk to anyone about abortion with compassion and conviction. This handbook enables pro-life Americans like you to share the truth about abortion with family, friends, neighbors, co-workers — and even complete strangers.