- FreightDisputes

Description: FreightDisputes for simple, cost effective and neutral arbitration of freight disputes

mediation (3368) cargo (1842) freight (1657) arbitration (521) disputes (97) online arbitration (9) cargo claims (6) binding arbitration (2) freight claims (1) cargo disputes (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Welcome to FreightDisputes.... Historically, whenever there was a dispute between parties involving cargo or freight, the only option was for the aggrieved party to seek restitution by means of appointing attorneys in the other party's jurisdiction and taking the matter to court.  Now FreightDisputes offers a real alternative!

FreightDisputes offers a completely neutral and independent Binding Arbitration alternative to costly court litigation.   Binding arbitration is less formal and technical than court; offers far quicker resolution of the dispute; is far less expensive than court; provides finality; severely limits right to appeal and provides a private and confidential forum.

FreightDisputes is affiliated with FreightDeadbeats , long recognized for its strict independence and neutrality in the collection of delinquent Freight debts. FreightDisputes offers an arbitration service specifically tailored to the complexities of the transportation and logistics industries. Arbitration is a faster, simpler, and less expensive alternative to litigation.  Disputes are brought before either a neutral third party (an Arbitrator) or an Arbitration Panel of 3 Arbitrators who, after carefully