- Friends of Rick Sanchez | Get the Whole Story | Judge for yourself. Find out the truth about his radio interview, what he real

Description: Judge for yourself. Find out the truth about his radio interview, what he really said to Pete Dominick, being fired by CNN, his apologies and outreach to the Jewish community, & the opinions of Jon Stewart, Christopher Hitchens, Lou Dobbs, the ADL's Abe Foxman

friends (1986) interview (1008) stand up (548) immigrant (137) sanchez (67) rick sanchez (1) friends of rick sanchez (1) friends of sanchez (1) @friendsofrick (1) pete dominick (1)

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Feb 20th, 2012

Rick was privileged to speak at the ADL's National Executive Committee Meeting. He discussed his trip to Israel and the personal journey that led him to Abe Foxman and the ADL.

May 14th, 2011