The domain has expired and may be available at auction . If this is your domain, you can still renew it. Register or transfer domains to to save more and build your website for free!
In another article on indian hackers published on June 1, New Yorker has a detailed article on indian hackers controlling computers, devices . In addition to Belltrox and WhiteInt, Rajat Khare of Appin security is also mentioned extensively . The indian hackers are paid between 2500 -30000 dollars a month for their hacking services and are usually hired by private investigators worldwide Most of the indian hacking companies are also working for the indian army and ministry of external affairs according to t
The domain investor received an email from asking her to hire interns and train them yet in the last 10 years the indian government has been extremely ruthless in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING hardworking honest citizens like the domain investor, with SHAMELESS GREEDY FRAUD well paid government employees like j srinivasan, puneet, tushar parekh, vijay, mandrekar, nayak, CHEATER caro, goan bhandari CHEATER chodankar and others hysterically making FAKE allegations without any proof, to steal the resume, data