- Funk - Soul - Disco - Discography - Music - Musik - Vinyl - Collector - 70 - 80 iger

Description: is dedicated to all the people who love Funk, Disco and Soul music. Here you can find the discography of all the artists from the 70's and the 80's.

berlin (20546) database (3702) vinyl (3442) soul (2797) disco (1809) funk (1736) discography (331) oldschool (128) afn (20) funkateer (1)

Example domain paragraphs is dedicated to all the people who love Funk, Disco and Soul music. Here you can find the discography of all the artists from the 70's and the 80's. ist eine Discography rund um das Thema 70iger & 80iger Jahre Funk, Disco, Jazz und Rap. Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Ihr immer mal wieder reinschaut. KEEP FUNKY!