- About | Andrés Lucero

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I am Associate Professor of Interaction Design and research leader of the Embodied Design Group (EDG) at Aalto University in Finland. My work focuses on the design and evaluation of novel interaction techniques for mobile devices and other interactive surfaces. My research interests include human-computer interaction, design, and play.

I got my Masters degree in Visual Communication Design from Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (UTEM) . In 2004 I received a Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) degree in User-System Interaction from the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) , which included a one-year project in Philips Research . In 2009 I completed my PhD in Human-Computer Interaction at the TU/e, during which I was Visiting Researcher at the University of Art and Design Helsinki (TAIK) . I was Senior Researcher at Nokia

I am a jointly appointed associate professor of interaction design (IxD) in the departments of Art &#38 Media and Design at Aalto University in Finland.

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