futurehospital.fi - Future Hospital Nordic 2023 | Virtual Event

Description: Future Hospital Nordic 2023 gathers Nordic decision-makers to an unparalleled virtual TV & event hybrid experience. The most relevant insights, keynote speeches, agenda and healthcare delegates are found on the same day from the same place - Future Hospital Nordic. Future Hospital Nordic kerää pohjoismaiden päättäjät keskustelemaan tulevaisuuden sairaalasta ennennäkemättömän virtuaalitapahtuman merkeissä.

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Right care at the right place with excellent patient experiences

To keep up with changing healthcare services and high patient expectations we need new ways of thinking and defining hospital services. Can hospital services and care be restructured? How to provide right care at the right place and at the right time? Would it be possible to make hospital services with even better outcomes? 

Links to futurehospital.fi (1)