fxllencode.dev - fxllencode.dev

Description: hey!👋 I'm fallen, this is my portfolio site!

developer (8641) fallen (54) developer portfolio (22) roblox developer (5) fxllencode fxllendev

Example domain paragraphs

I built this website by myself, using mdbootstrap, animate.css, typer.js, and a bunch of other cool modules! I've open-sourced it all if you want to learn from it! :) Please do not claim it as your own however. Enjoy, and sorry for my terrible code!

Status+ is an automated altnerative to Roblox's status site. While Roblox does have a status site, it is infamous for being slow, manually updated, and does not cover many different areas. Status+ is here to change that. Status+ has a discord, a website, and an API that you can use, including a Roblox module known as downtime service. Check us out today! Our alert channel is seen by an estimated 14k users of Discord!

Roblox Open-Source is a project of mine with different open-source projects that you can use to help you learn, and to help develop your game with it. I consantly update the GitHub project with any new ones I may have made. Please feel free to submit issues or PR's on these as well, I would love to help you begin your Roblox Dev journey!