fysah.com - Fysah Music | Singer

Description: Fysah is a multi genre recording artist, singer, songwriter and guitarist. Performance for hire. Festivals, tours, music video's.

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Watch Now Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied FEATURED VIDEO Official music video for the Another Life Single now available on iTunes, Spotify, and google play! Fysah is a Seattle based singer/songwriter/guitar player. Song is written by Fysah, Produced by Deelyle and video is created and filmed by David Poag of Pow Pictures, Nashville TN.  Video is filmed and cast entirely on the Big island Hawaii. Mahalo


"Art is many things, but most important its unique to each individual. It was kinda strange at first being topless in front of a crew with several cameras rolling but once the paint went on I forgot about the nudity all together and it was beautiful. I realized my body was a canvas, an instrument so much more than Breast or any other sexualized object. I think stepping outside of my comfort zone is exactly where I needed to be to let the magic of art happen ". -Fysah