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  Doesnt that mean that the noble and beautiful goddess of Netherworld Sect is also particularly fond of him, which makes them heartbroken. But soon Chu Lingkong used space to teleport several times and came to Ye Yous side. Looking at the three peerless beauties beside him, she didnt want to lose to them. Therefore, he was not timid in front of everyone in the audience and told the truth: "I dont want the person I like to be treated unreasonably. As long as I am here, you cant even think of bullying him!"

  "In this way, I can leave with peace of mind~" Xuanyuans eyes also moved away from Yi Tianxing and looked at the people below. There was no trace of sadness or helplessness in his expression. Instead, he had a look of sadness and helplessness. A feeling of transcendence. Now this figure is the last trace of willpower left in Xuanyuan Sword Qi, and once this trace of willpower dissipates, Xuanyuan, the sword ancestor who once roamed the wilderness, will completely become history.

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