- Gail Phaneuf - Gail Phaneuf

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“MONSTERS! A Midlife Musical Meltdown” , a collaboration with Broadway lyricist Ernie Lijoi, had its first full production at CentAstage in Boston and was a finalist in the Rod Parker Playwriting Competition, kicking off developmental readings in Boston and New York City.

Both “The Love Note” and “MONSTERS!” are offered by  Heuer Publishing  and Brooklyn Publishers for production. 

“KIPPY, Pray for the Dead and Fight Like Hell for the Living”  is Gail’s one woman theatrical imagining of Kip Tiernan, unique and colorful social justice hero in Boston Massachusetts. In 1974, Kippy opened the world renowned Rosie’s Place , the FIRST EVER homeless shelter and sanctuary for women in the United States. She started Healthcare for the Homeless, The Poor People’s United Fund, Community Works and many more. Gail will perform KIPPY this year with dates soon to be announced. 

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