- Gaited Morgans (Gaited Morgan Horses) | Jellico Farms

Description: Gaited Morgans perform walk, canter, may trot, one or more ambling gaits:...Therefore, capable lateral and diagonal gaits...Jellico Farms Gaited Morgan Horses..

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Gaited Morgans perform walk, canter, some may trot and one or more ambling gaits.  Therefore, capable both lateral and diagonal gaits. Current Gaited Morgans and non gaited Morgans trace back to 19th Century as a mixture of Morgan, Saddlebred, Thoroughbred and Standardbred stock. Todays Gaited Morgan Horses are the result of 19th Century breeders producing some unintended Gaited Morgans. The SynchroGait Gene A study/DNA test proved “Gait” is inherited from previous generations. The Morgan breed is not an ov

Our horses gaiting over the years are shown via videos on site pages: Gaited Morgan Videos and Gaited Morgan Stallions and Gaited Morgan Mares . Our journey with Gaited Morgans is explained About Us Our breeding philosophy includes a historical breeding technique used by some prior to the previous century increases chance produce one or more of lateral even four beat gaits. Gait Is Made In The Breeding Shed combined with the knowledge gained over the years shown in the following Gaited to Gaited versus Gait

Jellico Farms combination “Historical Breeding Technique”–“Gait Is Made In The Breeding Shed” along with SynchroGait Gene A DNA test achieves goal horses which do the walk, canter, saddle rack or running walk or rack or combination of these. The described breeding technique is used to produce our horses. An example of the results is our Gaited Morgan stallion. Jellico Creme De La Creme and one of our original horses bred using the combination “Historical Breeding Technique” and DNA tested parents during Cap