- Best art and galeries

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Funny story time! When I was in high school, my school decided that it would be a really great idea to bring in a genuine movie director to give a little speech about art and do a bit of Q&A. Very good idea in theory… Except the director they ultimately went with was some complete unknown who had only done unsuccessful indie flicks, so a lot of the sentiment was lost. At the end of his speech, when he asked if anybody had any questions, the entire room filled with hundreds of people (attendance was mandator

Let’s start off with a bang, shall we? “Child of Light” is a game designed from the grounds up to be an interactive picture book, like those many of us used to read (or, well, have read to us) as children, complete with a fantasy adventure in which a young princess taken to a strange land must find unlikely companions and discover her way home while defeating the evil queen who has imprisoned her there. The princess visits many peculiar places, like a city of mice dwelling within the belly of a giant, and b

Time for something a little bit darker, and I do mean that literally! “Limbo” is one of those unique games which are completely devoid of color, and yet still manage to be hauntingly beautiful – hell, it practically set the standard for those games! I don’t think it’s fair to call it a black and white game, considering that it’s mostly black and some shades of grey, but it seems appropriate enough, so let’s go with that! While the darkness does make things a little bit hard to see, honestly, the game wouldn

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