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After all, even findings from scientific research support the idea that confronting an object or situation which causes fear is the most effective way of gaining control over one’s phobia or anxiety.

From the evolutionary point of view, fear is one of the oldest and strongest emotions. We experience fear at the level of thoughts, but it can trigger a strong bodily reaction as well. When facing danger, a special brain area known as amygdala is activated. To provoke a response to the stimulus that caused fear, amygdala sends signals to the nervous system. As a result, our body immediately releases stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, increases blood pressure and speeds up heart rate. Our breat

Fear is a natural reaction to certain events, objects, or situations we get in contact with over the course of our life. If, however, the fear begins to interfere with the ability to function normally and it starts causing a long-term decline in the quality of our life, it can turn into phobia or an anxiety disorder. A simple definition of phobia could be that it presents an "excessive fear of harmless objects or situations that lasts long enough to significantly interfere with one’s quality of life". After

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