Description: Gaming Sanctuary Homepage: See my collection, the contributors, get advice, enter the game info archive for reviews, art, codes, and more. Visit the forums, and have fun.
original art (831) fanart (148) contributors (23) game guides (13) my collection (4) video game scans (2) gaming sanctuary (1) game info archive (1) system faqs (1) in other news (1)
This update is small, but it does have a couple of things in it. The first thing is that I lost some files and that slowed down the update process. The next thing is that I will no longer be providing audio samples in the articles. With video samples for our articles, it's not necessary to have audio samples. The main reason I'm removing the audio samples is because the download links die over time if they aren't accessed a certain amount of times over a certain period of time. Some links are still active,
Greetings all! I come bearing news and it hasn't been over a month! Well, I'm getting better...especially considering that two people are working on YouTube, two people are creating the code for the website, making backgrounds, working full-time jobs, etc. However, I want to try to be a little more frequent. At any rate, this update isn't huge, but it's pretty neat anyway. I've got two reviews in this one. The first is for Samurai Kid (for the Game Boy Color) and the other is for Sumo Fighter (for the Game
Welcome all! Gaming Sanctuary is finally at a point where the new look can go live! I should point out that I've decided not to remove the non-updated URLs from my FTP; the reason being is that there are numerous places linking to the old pages (Wikipedia articles, forums, etc.) and they can still visit those old pages through the URLs that they are using. As my new articles will use the EXACT same URLs as their original counterparts, I could update specific pages, but it would mess up the order in which I