- Gantouw Tours & Excursions

Description: Gantouw Tours & Excursions is not 'just another walk or a hike', but offers hands-on interactive educational nature guiding, hikes and walks that enlighten the mind while having fun.

nature (8078) tour (4715) environment (3781) andreas (810) walk (731) excursion (566) hike (461) fgasa (4) groenewald (2) gantouw (1)

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Tours & Excursions offered by Gantouw Tours & Excursions vary in duration and difficulty, whether you're looking for a family walk or you're an experienced backpacker there's a tour for you.

If you're looking to learn how to identify fynbos and fynbos medicinal plants, learn about various botany, geology or even go on a paleontological journey, our latest workshops & courses are what you need.

Want to go on a tour or excursion but don't have the gear required? Gantouw Tours & Excursions has gear and equipment that you can loan for your tour or excursion.