- Garden Genesis - Discover Your Child's Innate Insights with DNA-MILE (Homepage)

Description: At Garden Genesis, we believe every child is unique, and no two children learn the same way. We are dedicated to power customised learning for children, so they can have an enjoyable and effective learning experience. To purchase our kit at Three Simple Steps: 1. Swab your child’s cheek at home 2. Return your child’s sample to our lab 3. Receive your child’s report in 4 weeks.

holistic (2393) genetics (483) dna testing (83) genetic factors influence learning (1) dna-mile (1) intelligences theory (1)

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SMILE is an early child development app designed to maximize children’s holistic growth through personalized learning guides, powered by genetics and robust AI analytics.

SGD 599.00 SGD 399.00

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