- Gary K. Nave Jr.

Description: Hi there! My name is Gary Nave, and I study simple models that help us understand complicated behaviors at the interface of Engineering, Applied Math, Physics, and Biology. Work and education history 2022-Present I am an Assistant Teaching Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Colorado School of Mines. I am currently teaching dynamics and robotics, and…

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My name is Gary Nave, and I study simple models that help us understand complicated behaviors at the interface of Engineering, Applied Math, Physics, and Biology.

August 2021 We’ve published a preprint of some of my postdoctoral work on arXiv. You can find it here: Clustering of Pain Dynamics in Sickle Cell Disease from Sparse, Uneven Samples

August 2021 I submitted an abstract on my recent work at Northwestern to the American Society of Hematology conference! We study the different ways in which patients with Sickle Cell Disease experience pain.

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