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The 12 th International Freiberg Conference on Circular Carbon Technologies (12 th IFC) is organized by the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering  (IEC) at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) with its co-organizers the East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST, China), Synfuels China Technology Co., Ltd (China) and the Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (ICC CAS, China). It focuses on the opportunities and challenges as well as innovations and

We invite you to join us at this event and contribute to an interactive discussion at the nexus of science, technology, politics and society. Researchers, specialists, practitioners and diverse stakeholders will engage in intensive exchanges about the latest R&D developments as well as political/regulatory framework conditions for the transition towards a circular and low carbon economy. Furthermore, technology developers and plant operators will also share insights into their current/planned projects as we

In addition to a stimulating scientific program, the conference will also include the opportunity to participate in exciting technical tours to world-scale chemical production facilities in China, as well as interesting networking events  designed to facilitate networking and interaction between conference participants.

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