Description: Winner of the Canadian Heritage Art in the Capital Program call for proposal: Dream Competition
ottawa (1810) dream catcher (15) gather-ring (1) canadian heritage art (1) dream competition (1) public art 2017 (1)
Throughout the history of the land on which Canada has been founded, Trees have always played a vital and meaningful role, at times acquiring mythic status. Emerging from the earth towards the light of the sun, as they grow they bear fruit and bear witness as they portage the land’s history. Their rustling leaves are light catchers and within their inner structure, their annual growth rings serve as carriers and record keepers of the land, thus becoming stewards and symbols of our history, desires, collecti
In the spirit of reflection and reconciliation, as part of Canada’s 150th anniversary, these two iconic universal symbols, the Tree and Dream Catcher, have inspired The Gather-Ring and are brought together within the overall design, evoking diverse cultural interpretations such as the creation stories of the Earth, Sun, Moon and Stars. Additionally, the mutual correspondence between two desired dreams are combined and celebrated: One is expressed on the Arms of Canada with the officially translated inscript
The Gather-Ring is also a response to the rich history of its site which is along the Confederation Loop, a symbolic Circle that encompasses and brings together the cultural diversity of Canada as the waters of the Ottawa River flow through, as if dividing but really reminding us of the broader landscape, history, interrelated connections and interdependence beyond the immediate location. Overall, the site and the panoramic view that it offers from within the Confederation Loop towards the heart of Canada’s