- The Animal - Upper Gauley River Race

Description: The Animal River Race is held on the class five Upper Gauley River in West Virginia.

whitewater rafting (110) whitewater kayaking (23) the animal (1) gauley race (1) upper gauley river race (1)

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See you next year!

There were a few new changes in 2015 for the race too! One cool thing was the Beltbuckle prizes, yep, hand cast by Travis Cobb these beauties would be replacing the cup. They were really cool and a nice change for prizes. Also something different was we were using a timing company at Sweet's. Appalachian Timing Group offered to come in and give it a shot and it worked out great. Zeke Smith is a master at timing and his system worked flawlessly, even with a video backup. Thanks Zeke! Also different was I got

1st Overall Woman

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