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Remote Learning Resources Course Webinars ( Click Here ) To help Georgia teachers during this time of remote learning, Georgia Virtual Learning will be conducting live webinars focused on using Georgia Virtual School course content . Each webinar will focus on a course within the shared resources area of our website. Georgia Virtual School teachers will be leading the webinar with opportunities for Q&A after the presentations. The webinar recordings will be archived for future viewing. Information about acc

Just in Time for Teachers: Digital Learning Days Course ( Click Here ) will introduce digital learning basics and will assist in planning for digital learning days.  As Georgia's trusted partner for innovative digital learning experiences, emphasizing skills to prepare students for success in the global world, this course will share critical best practices, tools and knowledge based on 15 years of virtual education experience at Georgia Virtual to assist educators who are planning for and transitioning to a

Online Support for Special Needs I ( Click Here ) This course increases the participant’s understanding of serving students with special needs in the online environment. Participants learn about special needs populations, strategies to support special needs students, implementation of accommodations in the online environment, Individualized plans, and data in the online environment to support special needs students.

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