- Grace Bible Church – A Reformed Baptist Church in Brandon, FL

Description: Grace Bible Church is a church in Brandon, Fl that teaches the bible and preaches expository sermons.

bible (6224) baptist (2467) evangelical (687) reformed (601) bible church (142) expository preaching (66) doctrines of grace (25) brandon florida (4) grace church florida bible church brandon fl

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We are committed to the doctrines of sovereign grace as they are rooted in the “faith that was once for all delivered to all the saints” ( Jude 3 ) and clearly articulated during the Protestant Reformation. Ultimately, this simply means that “salvation is of the Lord” ( Ps. 3:8 ) and therefore the Lord gets all the glory for saving his people and building his church. 

Our church recognizes the Bible to be the very Word of God and the supreme standard by which to test all other truth claims ( 2 Tim. 3:16-17 ). As a congregation, we are happy to identify ourselves with the historic reformed confessions of the church while we always submit to the Bible as the ultimate authority for our lives as individuals and as a congregation.