- Welcome to the Game Boy Wiki | Game Boy Wiki

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¶ New User Guide This section is intended for those very new to the hobby and are just looking to get started without being overwhelmed by the rest of the information contained in this wiki. Maybe you're looking to get started for yourself or maybe you're just looking for a gift idea. Sometimes you just want to dive in and figure out for yourself what you like and dislike without having to spend days or weeks researching. Either way, I hope this page is helpful.

TL;DR, track down a Game Boy Advance SP (AGS-001) and a few games of your choosing and decide from there if you want to fall deeper into the rabbit hole. More info (but hopefully not too much) below.

Let's get started with some basics, Game Boy consoles. There are three generations of Game Boy (some would argue two but for the purposes of this article, three is fine) and there are some big differences between each of these generations.

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