- Alexander Gelbukh

Description: Website of Alexander Gelbukh, PhD, an expert in natural language processing, computational linguistics, and artifical intelligence, a member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences

artificial intelligence (3793) nlp (1936) natural language processing (377) computational linguistics (68) lingüística computacional (4) gelbukh (1) procesamiento del lennguaje natural (1)

Example domain paragraphs

      Dr. Alexander Gelbukh < table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%">  My email has changed. Do NOT use the OLD email @ gelbukh .com ; see below the new address    My mobile phone has changed. Do NOT use the OLD number 55 3253 0186 ; see below the new number.   Contact : email: <my last name>@<my last name>.com , <my last name>@cic dot ipn dot mx ; email via web   . Street address and how to get there .  Phone(office): (+52) 55 5

In Mexico City, Mexico, where I live, now it is see time!

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