medical research (214) lengauer (3) genafor (2) geno2pheno (2) hbv drug resistance interpretation tool (1) coreceptor hiv therapy optimization (1)
Eugen Schülter †14.03.2017 Weighed down with sorrow we have to announce that our dear friend and honoured colleague passed away unexpectedly. He will always be with us. Michael Böhm, Veronica Di Cristanziano, Eva Heger, Elena Knops, Nadine Lübke, Claudia Müller, Maria Neumann-Fraune, Saleta Sierra, Finja Schweitzer, Florian Klein and Rolf Kaiser on behalf of the Institute of Virology, University of Cologne Francesca Incardona, Maurizio Zazzi, Andrea De Luca, Anders Sönnerborg, for EURESIST, Martin Däumer, A
12 Oct 2022 - 23nd Arevir-Meeting in Cologne 2023
The Meeting is going to take place on April 28-29, 2023 in Cologne. The meeting will take place physically. Online participation in the Hybrid-Meeting will be possible via Zoom. As is traditional the meeting will cover a broad range of current topics on viral resistance research pertaining to multiple pathogens such as HIV-1, HIV-2, HCV, HBV and M. Tuberculosis. Furthermore we will have a special session on COVID-19. You can download the program here