Description: Day & Genda Funeral Home is committed to Putting Family First in a loving and genuine environment. We strive to understand and share in each journey with compassion and integrity. Our aspiration is to achieve the highest level of quality service.
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Day & Genda Funeral Home is committed to Putting Family First in a loving and genuine environment. We strive to understand and share in each journey with compassion and integrity. Our aspiration is to achieve the highest level of quality service.
Every time you choose to call an owner-operated business rather than a multi-location corporate chain store, you are siding with hard working local people who have put their names and their entire careers into creating a business that serves customers well, that keeps prices low, and that keeps money in your community. The owners of local businesses are more likely to be engaged in your community as parents, coaches, charitable contributors… and they certainly are paying a large share of the community’s tax
When a local family-owned business earns your business, everyone wins. That business owner is a neighbor, who employs neighbors, who pays rent to neighbors, who buys insurance from neighbors… all the money stays in the community rather than drifting off to Wall Street, and then to shareholders all over the country.