- genericAnomaly

Description: I'm GA. Somerville based illustrator, programmer, and amateur blacksmith. Tags Finished illustration and smithing projects are in the art tag. Sketchbook posts are in the sketches tag. Read My Comics!...

art (55598) sketches (370) bryce (79) craig chase (3) photochomp (1)

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oh geeze this one was a story. the good tablet is still dead and yet to be replaced, but i’ve got a surface that i coaxed into playing nice w/ krita long enough to ink and tone this sketch. It’s yet another iteration of my itinerant goblin pilgrim for the pf2e oneshot i’m in tomorrow. happy 2023 everyone!

some screens from the 2015 version of bridgemaker that you never get a good look at but i had fun making

New art? In 2022?