- Atlas GIS – Geospatial Data Systems

Description: We are a multi-disciplinary geospatial team working together to bring GIS closer to you: Location Data Analytics, Interactive Web Maps, Drones, Urban Planning, Desktop/Mobile Mapping and Data Collection, Cartography and GIS. Take a look at some of our previous work below. Geospatial Data Systems. GIS Serbia

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Hello. We are a multi-disciplinary geospatial team working together to bring GIS closer to you: Location Data Analytics, Interactive Web Maps, Drones, Urban Planning, Desktop/Mobile Mapping and Data Collection, Cartography and GIS. Take a look at some of our previous work below.

The analysis is based on the intersection of open data on public transport and open data on air quality. The results of this analysis can help decision-makers in the City of Kragujevac to better understand and optimize the public transport network in the future and to improve it, with the purchase of vehicles that will contribute even less to air pollution […]

The mobile and web GIS application "Bici Bor" enables citizens to view, enter and edit data, which gives all citizens of Bor the opportunity to mark locations on the map, add photos, post a description, and make suggestions for the purpose of improving the traffic infrastructure for cyclists on in the territory of the city of Bor […]

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