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Description: Geokol d.o.o. - Geokol, geomehaniДЌki, geotehniДЌki, istraЕѕni radovi, buЕЎenje, projektiranje, geotehniДЌko projektiranje, sanacija, sanacija kliziЕЎta, kliziЕЎta, sanacija pokosa, mikropiloti, minipiloti, projekt zaЕЎtite graД‘evne jame, graД‘evinska jama, sidrenje, ЕЎtapna sidra, injektiranje, jet grouting, mlazno injektiranje, poboljЕЎanje tla, ЕЎljunДЌani stupovi, geotehniДЌki nadzor, mjerenje vodopropusnosti, kontrolni radovi,

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Example domain paragraphs

Geotechnical (geo-mechanical) investigative work Production design in geotechnics by major and detailed design Monitoring performance of geotechnical works Control measure to control the performance Performing works

- drilling - mikropilota - anchoring - Soil improvement - jet injection - the protection of construction pit

- improving the deep vibratory compaction of soil (sand columns) - the protection of building pits (Slope) - jet grouting (jet grouting), mikropiloti, anchoring, Talpa (steel Еѕmurje) - repairing landslide - a special rehabilitation

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