- Stuff George Writes

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I spent several hundred hours earlier this year researching how best to optimize my family’s investments. We are very conservative about how we invest our money. Most of it is in index funds. I think it is a bad idea to have a portfolio that doesn’t have at least a couple high-risk assets, so I embarked on a project to learn more about riskier asset classes and which would fit our lifestyle and long-term goals.

As I did my research into investing opportunities like cryptocurrencies, rental properties, and REITs, I found myself developing beliefs about how the world will look in 10, 20, and 30 years. What follows are not strictly beliefs about economic or monetary trends, but broader thoughts about the world of the future. There’s no way to know for sure whether I’m right about any of this. The best I can do is show my sources and explain my thought process.

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