- School of Engineering & Applied Science | The George Washington University

Description: GW's School of Engineering & Applied Science provides high quality undergraduate, graduate and professional educational opportunities in science and technology.

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GW to Co-Lead a New $20 million NSF AI Institute   

The George Washington University is co-leading a multi-institutional effort supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) that will develop new artificial intelligence (AI) technologies designed to promote trust and mitigate risks, while simultaneously empowering and educating the public. The NSF Institute for Trustworthy AI in Law & Society (TRAILS) unites specialists in AI and machine learning with systems engineers, social scientists, legal scholars, educators, and public policy experts. The multidi

The new institute is expected to transform the practice of AI by encouraging new innovations that foreground ethics, human rights, and input and feedback from communities whose voices have previously been marginalized. The NSF, in collaboration with government agencies and private sector leaders, has now invested close to half a billion dollars in the AI institutes ecosystem—an investment that expands a collaborative AI research network into almost every U.S. state.