- Germán Kruszewski

Description: Germán Kruszewski Academic Homepage

compatibility (109) entailment (2) distributional semantics (1)

Example domain paragraphs

I am a Senior Scientist at NAVER LABS Europe starting on May 2020, mainly working on aligning language models to preferences and other topics connected to controlled generation.

Before, I was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Facebook AI Reserch where I have studied state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing systems in relation to their language learning skills, and sought to develop a more holistic understanding of intelligence, by trying to model the emergence of complex adaptive systems in silico.

Previously, I did my PhD in Computational Linguistics under the direction of Marco Baroni . I worked in the area of Distributional Semantics, and more specifically, in understanding the strengths and limitations of distributional models when trying to account for the richness of human conceptual knowledge. To this end, I've explored how these semantic representations can be used in inference. [Toggle mini-CV]