- give - digital legacy

Description: give serves to manage and regulate your digital legacy precautionary. In an easy way one can determine heirs and files can be prepared to disappear with you. Digital legacy contains every kind of data you have, no matter if it’s local on your device or part of an online service you are using. Below we will show how our solution for managing and controlled sharing of personal data looks like.

legacy (721) give (479) digital heritage (22) digital legacy (14) hfg schwäbisch gmünd (5) leon schlechtriem (3) digital possession (1) julian dorn (1) moritz dobernecker (1)

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"Since the beginning of mankind we pass on our possession. To the present day there is no solution to pass on our digital legacy."

give serves to manage and regulate your digital legacy precautionary. In an easy way one can determine heirs and files can be prepared to disappear with you. Digital legacy contains every kind of data you have, no matter if it’s local on your device or part of an online service you are using.

While all the things you can touch, will be passed on to someone by law or by will. It is a big unsolved question what will happen to all your digital belongings like music, photos, movies, documents, accounts and web spaces. Some of these things may just be fine remaining for remembrance. Others like contracts and bills, which nowadays often only exist in a digital form, should be taken care of.

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