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A Step Ahead Foundation works to ensure that every woman in Tennessee has access to effective, easy-to-use, reversible birth control. Learn more about our efforts across the state and how to get free birth control by choosing your nearest location below.

A Step Ahead Foundation aims to ensure that every woman in Memphis and Shelby County has access to free long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) and is educated about her body, encouraged to achieve her goals, and knowledgeable about the most effective forms of pregnancy prevention.

A Step Ahead Foundation believes in the women of West Tennessee, and we're here to give them the support they need to have children when they decide they're ready. Whether you're finishing college, starting a new job, or just waiting for the right time with your partner, we've made sure that any woman in West Tennessee has access to the most effective, hassle-free birth control that exists — absolutely free.