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Ever spend six bucks on a beer, taken one sip, hated it, and then drank it anyway on principle? We have! Steinwise can help! Steinwise takes your existing preferences in beer and uses science, a complex predictive algorithm, and an adaptive recommendation system to help find your next beer. If that sounds like a lot to just help you pick beer, it's because it is. Your taste for beer is unique, as is our approach to predicting what you will enjoy.

There are some great breweries out there, and each of those breweries probably has a beer that you will love! But, here you are, sticking with your safe and delicious Bud Light ™. Let us help! Branch out! We're here to show you beers that you will like, and you can be reasonably sure that you will love our recommendations!

In a new city? In a new state? Just looking for something to do in your home town with your friends? These are the perfect opportunities for you to capitalize on your night with Steinwise! Always go to a place that has a beer you want to drink, and never kill your buzz with a beer you’ll hate.

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