- GezondheidFabriek

Description: Open leer- en werkplaats voor innovatieprojecten in zorg en welzijn

zorg (805) gezondheid (738) netwerk (397) projecten (394) gezond (294) innovatie (256) welzijn (236) kennis (154) fabriek (48) gezondheidfabriek (1)

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At the GezondheidFabriek (or 'HealthFactory' in English) we turn supply and demand into action. Our innovation projects connect big (and small) challenges in health and wellbeing with smart ideas and excellent partners. By working together with citizens, health and care providers, knowledge institutes, businesses and government we match needs and solutions. GezondheidFabriek makes working together easier.

The expertise of our partners lies at the interface of technology, big data value creation, health and wellbeing. Knowledge, expertise and skills developed in projects are shared within our network. Together we create a healthy and social society.

In Almere Poort forward thinking parents created WoonMere, a special home for kids with severe and multiple disabilities. Close collaboration between the kids themselves, their parents, the housing corporation, care providers, the municipality, the home automation and technology suppliers plus many others made this unique housing project possible.

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