- GfA e.V. -

Description: GfA e.V. Since 1954, the Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmethodik e.V. (GfA, Society for Working Methods) has been dealing with practical methods and holistic approaches for a self-determined personal and professional life.

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Since 1954, the Gesellschaft für Arbeitsmethodik e.V. (GfA, Society for Working Methods) has been dealing with practical methods and holistic approaches for a self-determined personal and professional life. The society’s events and publications address people who want to develop professionally and privately. A whole range of practical expertise is applied in the community. Members pass on their experience and develop sound strategies for problem-solving or optimisation. In doing so, the society always remai

With GfA membership, you become part of a community composed of all age groups. Specialists from many professional branches are active in the network of experts – from long-established artisans to young female e-commerce entrepreneurs. Retirement is not an obstacle for those interested in GfA. On the contrary. Many years of personal and professional experience provide interesting input for social evenings, seminars, talks, podcasts and other offers.

Thematic study groups : Here’s where the action is! 

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