Description: An imprint of Montag Press, Ghosttruth Publishing releases provocative fiction and non-fiction on music, film, philosophy, and all the ghosts that haunt.
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Just a Frenzy of Hysterics (like an Ostentation of Peacocks, Skulk of Foxes, or Conpiracy of Lemurs) Addressing Art, Epistemics, Esoterics, and Etc.
In The Watchman in Pieces: Surveillance, Literature, and Liberal Personhood Aaron Santesso and David Rosen present life as an allegory without a key . "A 'surveillant' reality, we would suggest, also has an allegorical quality—though, because of its temporal dimension, this quality is unlike any form of allegory we have encountered. […] it was common, in the period following September 11, to look back on the years previous as coded with double meanings. Events that at the time had seemed innocuous, or were
Sadeq Rahimi writes in The Hauntology of Everyday Life that, “To select strategic social or political lines of move, or to design effective interventions, we need to first understand the possibilities, hopes and desires that were once and are no longer available to the public conscious, to unearth and exhume crypts in which suppressed dreams of past communities and their lost moments are trapped . This is clearly a different strategy from history, from archaeology, […] in that instead of attempting to estab