- Gianfranco Perri Home

Description: Página web de Gianfranco Perri - Ingeniero consultor y proyectista de túneles. Escritor amateur di Brindisi - Italia

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consultant engineer/ scrittore giornalista "amateur"

Gianfranco Perri   was born in  Brindisi , Italy (1951). He graduated cum Laude as a Doctor in Mining Engineering at the  Politecnico di Torino , Italy (1974). He was professor of Geomechanics at the Politecnico di Torino  (1974-75) and professor of Geotechnical Engineering and Rocks Mechanics at the  Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral in Guayaquil   (1975-78), in Ecuador. Since 1978 he has been the Tunnels and Slopes Design professor at the  Universidad Central de Venezuela , in Caracas, where he als

Currently, Gianfranco Perri is the tunnels designer of San Juan-San Fernando and Puerto Cabello-La Encrucijada rail road lines. He is also responsible for the geotechnical civil works for all the approximately 500 railroad kilometers lines under construction in Venezuela.

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