- Best rat repellent for Industries - Gizmocat

Description: Gizmocat is a rat repellent system that emits ultrasound waves. Rats can't tolerate ultrasound waves and run away from the place where it is installed.

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Rats are a global menace. Their front teeth grow by 4-5 inches every year and they need to constantly gnaw at things to keep the growth in check. They have a special fondness for wires and cables. Furthermore, rat urine is acidic and corrosive and is lethal for PCBs and electronics. For the industrial sector especially manufacturing and assembly lines, rats ruin expensive and critical machinery, thus causing downtime and delivery rescheduling. Not only does it cause monetary loss but also reputations take a

Also, the unnecessary repairs are time consuming, expensive and lead to eventual loss of business. Moreover, half chewed / bitten wires can overload, causing short circuit related fires and damages and even loss of lives.

GIZMOCAT comes in 2 variants depending on supply voltage type-

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