gjstories.net - Author Produced Fiction

Description: Self Published Fiction - Available in Paperback - ebook Kindle or e-Pub d-loads

self published (94) lost and found (57) digital format (3) john 14:6 (3) mp3/4 (1) running day (1) horizon trap (1) author produced (1) equator search (1)

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On this site you can find book info, purchase links and Equator search - an html search page containing links to popular search engines. After using a predecessor of the page for years, and finding it pretty useful, I finally built it into the website at the beginning of 2017. It is simple, so as for how long it'll be effective (that means available) is anyone’s guess.

In the future featuring and producing MP3/4 content, various articles and other stuff covering a range of different subjects and formats, are options being considered all the time. It would be nice to say another novel nears completion. Unfortunately, though, this is not so. My third novel stumbled at the final fence, so to speak. Without going into detail, challenging elements of the story brought about a personal conflict of interest; in the end serving to convince me of the error in publication.

The decision to stop the books production was hard, but small in comparison to some of the other reasons standing in the way of further novels right now. The long list of agent/publisher refusals is discouraging. As was the core book distributor promising lots but delivering nothing. Without turning this into a rant, it seems the book publishing industry is geared to race a specific course. The whole thing just isn’t worth the effort.