non-profit (4378) fruit (1335) harvest (303) pick (209) food insecurity (61) gleaning (25) gleaners (13)
Welcome to the growing community of produce rescue enthusiasts in SLO County! GleanSLO is a program of the SLO Food Bank which distributes all gleaned produce through a hunger relief network to reach those in need throughout San Luis Obispo County.
San Luis Obispo County is a region of agricultural abundance, yet not everyone has consistent access to nutritious food. On top of that, plenty of perfectly edible, safe, and healthful food is sent to landfills each day. To reduce waste and alleviate hunger, the SLO Food Bank manages two food rescue programs: GleanSLO , a fresh produce rescue program working with local farms and community residents, as well as a Grocery Rescue Program , rescuing directly from markets and connecting charitable agencies with