- Glengarriff Nature Reserve -

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Wildlife Flora A feature of the woods are the so-called Hiberno-lusitanian species.  These plants have an unusual distribution in that they occur almost exclusively in south-west Ireland and in northern parts of Spain and Portugal.  Species in this group include two species of saxifrage, St. Patricks Cabbage (Saxifraga spathularis) and

Walking Trails in Glengarriff Nature Reserve A variety of trails are provided in the Glengarriff Woods Nature Reserve to suit a range of abilities.  You can take a gentle amble along the River Walk or make the steep, but rewarding climb up to Lady Bantry’s Lookout.  Longer options include the

Geology The predominant rock is Old Red Sandstone, which is a sedimentary rock dating from the Devonian period (circa 350 million before present). Evidence of the glacial processes that shaped and formed the now wooded glen, can be seen in the ice-smoothed rocks that occur in the Reserve e.g. on

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