- Global Education Magazine

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CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (1st Call for Abstracts) International Conference on Education and New Developments 2018 23 to 25 of June, 2018 – Budapest, Hungary   = Important Dates = Abstract submissions: until 24 November, 2017 Authors’ notifications: from 8 January, 2018 Registration and Final Submission: until 5 February, 2018     = Conference Goals […]

A new UNESCO policy paper shows that the global poverty rate could be more than halved if all adults completed secondary school. Yet, new data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) show persistently high out-of-school rates in many countries, making it likely that completion levels in education will remain well below that target for […]

En esta charla, el PhD Javier Collado Ruano, nos habla de la importancia de mirar biomiméticamente cómo la naturaleza resuelve sus problemas para poder aplicar soluciones parecidas a nuestros propios problemas como especie y sociedad. Es profesor titular de Filosofía de la Educación en la Universidad Nacional de Educación de Ecuador, Doctor en Difusión del […]

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