- Welcome to Global Science Editing Ltd.

Description: English language editing services for scientific publications, provided by research scientists with extensive editing experience.

science (6285) editing (3415) publication (951) english language (180) peer review (117) scientific editing (29) scientific publications (28) english language editing (13)

Example domain paragraphs

Struggling to publish? Grants repeatedly turned down? Are English skills holding you back? Our comprehensive editing service can be the difference between acceptance and rejection. Our editors are research scientists with high-impact publications (e.g. in Nature) combined with English language qualifications and substantial editing experience. We offer advice on structure, presentation, formatting and language. We can edit your work before submission or in direct response to referees’ comments. Competitive

“Our manuscript was accepted for publication without any need to respond to reviewers’ comments! Wow, that’s the first time that such a thing has happened to us!” “I knew something was wrong with the scientific commentary but was wrestling with improvements. Your straightforward deletions and restructuring produced a piece that has been repeatedly recognised and commended.”