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Description: This website is dedicated to the Lord of heaven and earth. Emphasis is ont the creator of the universe. The gospel of Jesus Christ. Also featured is the Adler Family, Horst Adler, Jeanette Adler, Chris, Tracy.

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God. This section will host bible devotions, Bible studies on various biblical topics, including the Trinity, the Deity of Jesus Christ, the virgin birth, the resurrection of the Savior, many topics about creation, prayers and praise. A detailed series will be posted on the topic of Eschatology (the End Times).

Family. On this page, and pages linked to this page, will be posted various family events and historical archival pics from the past. One noteworthy page is the "Adler Family Escape from Latvia" in 1939 prior to the Soviet Russia conquest of the Baltic Nations.

Church. There is the "Universal Church," comprised of all born again believers from Pentecost until the Rapture. Then there are multitudes of Local Churches. I am a member of Elliot Road Baptist Church, a local church located in Gilbert, AZ. This page, and the pages linked to it will detail some parts of my life as a member of this local church.