- Glory Tabernacle Church

Description: Glory Tabernacle is located at 1010 Buckshutem Rd. Bridgeton, NJ 08302. Our Church is growing, thriving, and wants you to be here. Pastored by Bishop David Hadley.

church (17067) pastor (844) growing (370) sermon (292) thriving (85)

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When you arrive, take advantage of the free parking spots available. Parking attendants and our team of volunteers will be on hand to greet you and help you and your family get seated, get comfortable so you can hear a mighty word from Bishop Hadley.

Welcome to Glory Tabernacle Church! Regardless of your age, ethnicity or phase of your spiritual journey, we greet you with open arms. Join us for Sunday morning and Wednesday Night Bible services in person or via live stream. Come as you are, bring the family and the kids and be ready for a glorious time with the Lord.

Can’t make it to the Glory Tabernacle. You can still participate in our worship services and get a mighty word from God by joining us via live stream. Watch us LIVE at 10 a.m. on Sunday mornings. Don’t forget to tune in at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays for Bible Study.

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